Luke & Brittany striking a pose during their wedding dance choreographed by Dance A Lot Ballroom Studio

We dazzled our guests at the wedding!

I never had what you could call a traditional dancing skillset. My then fiancé, now wife, had us go through the motions at Arthur Murray so we would be semi-prepared to cut the smallest of rugs should the social situation ever call for it. But even after the “lessons,” I still thought that shuffling off to Buffalo was a method for ordering wings. Suffice it to say, we never bothered to do much fox-trotting since then, but at the very least, it was something of a foundation. But they just had us run through the motions. Fast forward to a rising Cape May sun that saw an engagement ring happily placed upon my bride-to-be’s finger, and I knew that a basic box step wasn’t going to cut it with the eyes of our family and friends upon us. I know that because my wife told me so. Through her online hunting skills, we found Dance-a-Lot Ballroom Studio via Georgi and his wife Adriana thankfully provided top-notch expertise, and amazingly, kept evening hours for multi-tasking couples that were going out of their minds with working and planning a wedding all the while. By the time we began our lessons, our experience with Arthur Murray had long since faded, and I was treating my wife’s toes the same way a baker presses dough. Because I am clumsy. Thankfully, Georgi quickly took over, and she didn’t limp nearly as much. Admittedly, we didn’t go about our lessons in the most traditional manner, but that didn’t seem to stop Georgi. While it was no easy undertaking, he set us on the fast track, providing a refresher for our foundation, and quickly expanded on it to provide us with a custom-designed dance to a song of our choosing, just as we had requested. It was a trial by fire, but Georgi came through in spades, and we’re still getting compliments on our first dance nearly a year after our reception. From having him listen to a song we chose (which was highly non-traditional), he custom designed a number that we learned, made slight adjustments to during the process, and ultimately dazzled our guests at the wedding, In short, it was everything and more we were looking for. Speaking as a man with two left feet, I have to say that, by no means was it easy. We practiced when we could, which often resulted in confused looks from our puppy. By saying that, I’m only pointing out my lack of skill, and how far things evolved. Throughout the process, they also encouraged us to attend mixers with some of their other students, some of whom were in the same boat as us. Not only did it definitely help us in our custom dance, (and speaking as a wallflower) but it was also fun. Most importantly, he had us practice parts of our routine in front of them [the audience), which helped us become more comfortable with it overall. Suffice it to say, Georgi, Adriana, and Dance A Lot Ballroom were everything and more we were looking for. They are both extremely talented and patient instructors. It was also a great experience for us as a couple to relax from all the wedding planning and do something for ourselves. We highly recommend them and you’d be foolish to pass them up. 

Thank you Dance A Lot Ballroom!

(Testimonial collected on 11/11/2014)

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