When we left Dance A lot after our lessons in March 2020, we knew things would be different, but little did we know how different and for how long. After the dust settled and we had enough toilet paper and food for a few weeks, my mission was to keep life as normal as possible which meant I needed to continue my dance lessons. I practiced and watched a few YouTube dance lessons but watching a video does not help you to do the step properly and you need your dance teacher to make sure you practice the step correctly. At the beginning of the lockdown, Dance A Lot was able to setup remote dance lessons that are personal and a continuation of my previous 12+ years of dancing. The first few lessons were a learning experience for both Georgi and me as we worked through the logistics, technology and me dancing without a partner for the first time. We were able to setup Google Home so I could see my lessons on the TV screen, and never had a problem seeing Georgi because of all the mirrors at the studio and his camera setup. Thankfully, I have enough space and wooden floors, so my living room became my personal dance studio. There is a slight delay using Zoom so that was a challenge for the first few weeks when Georgi played music or did the counts — problem solved by playing the music and doing the counts at my end. I had to update my dance notes to include the landmarks in my house as guides for direction and amount of a turn — which kept me from getting untethered and spinning like a top when dancing alone. Look for more to come on taking dance notes and other topics.
Georgi was still the task master and planned each lesson as if we were both in the studio. I think the remote lessons have help both of us communicate better and made me more musically perceptive because I am responsible for my timing, technique, counting, steps, etc. while dancing by myself.

During this year, we have been able to remotely work on a new showcase, new steps and really get into the details of technique. We recorded two virtual showcases and two LaBlast sessions for the June 2020 and January 2021 showcases.

My weekly remote lessons with Georgi kept me in the dance groove and made me a more polished, fluid dancer. I look forward to being physically back in the studio for my lessons and getting ready for the June 2021 showcases. Look out Georgi!
By Mary Serico