American Viennese Waltz

American Viennese Waltz: The Dance of Whirl and Elegance

The American Viennese Waltz is a breathtaking dance that combines the classic charm of the traditional Viennese Waltz with the fluidity and stylistic freedom of American ballroom. Known for its graceful, rotational movements and timeless elegance, this dance sweeps dancers across the floor in a mesmerizing whirl of continuous motion.

Danced in a lively 3/4 time signature, the American Viennese Waltz features a series of smooth, flowing turns and elegant steps, creating a captivating visual effect that feels both sophisticated and exhilarating. The dance incorporates a distinctive rise and fall motion, allowing dancers to glide effortlessly while maintaining a graceful, sweeping style.

At Dance A Lot Ballroom, our American Viennese Waltz classes focus on perfecting the technical elements and stylistic nuances that make this dance so enchanting. Whether you’re a beginner discovering the joy of the waltz or an experienced dancer looking to enhance your performance, our skilled instructors will guide you through every step, ensuring you master the elegance and grace that define this beautiful dance. Join us and let the American Viennese Waltz transport you to a world of elegance and romance.

New Students

What to expect on your first lesson?

When you arrive for your first lesson, you’ll start by answering a few questions about your goals, aspirations, and the style you’re aiming for. Our highly-trained instructors will then guide you through the basics, ensuring you feel comfortable and confident from the get-go.

You’ll begin learning to dance right away and leave with a clear plan of action for your next few sessions. Our fool-proof method at Dance A Lot Ballroom is designed to help you learn to dance as quickly and enjoyably as possible, ensuring you achieve your dance goals efficiently.

At Dance A Lot Ballroom, we’re dedicated to helping you find the dancer in you and embark on an exciting dance journey!

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